As we approach the New Year many of you have made some Resolutions. Listed below are the Top 10 Resolutions according to

1. Spend More Time With Family and Friends

2. Fit in Fitness

3. Tame the Bulge

4. Quit Smoking

5. Enjoy Life More

6. Quit Drinking

7. Get out of Debt

8. Learn Something New

9. Help Others

10. Get Organized

As we look at the list there are several items we can help with!  Many people decide to buy a new home to create a better life for themselves and/or their families.  Many pick out floor plans so they can  have the room to Spend More Time With Their Families and Friends.  Several of our homes are open concept and can create that family time we are all looking for.  This will also allow you to Enjoy Life More.

Carrington Lakes and Valencia both offer walking trails and community pools while Belleau Wood and The Ranches give you the quiet acreage living that you are able to walk around the community.  By moving to one of these communities you would be able to Fit In Fitness and hopefully Tame The Bulge.

By buying a new home you might think you would not be able to Get Out of Debt but the truth is there is not a better time to buy a house than right now.  When you choose to purchase a home now instead of waiting in the future when interest rates would rise you are actually saving yourself a lot of money thus getting out of debt quicker!

If you have never built a new home with Landmark than this would certainly take care of Learning Something New.  At Landmark, we make it easy!  Everything is broken down in steps so nothing is overwhelming.  We have a design studio at our office in Norman where you will meet with our Design Studio Staff Person to walk you through the process.

Getting Organized is another easy goal!  Landmark is a custom home builder so we can help you design your home to make it the most organized it can possibly be.

At Landmark we make Helping Others part of our company atmosphere! Every year we have a Thanksmas Party in December as a way to collect toys and canned goods for the Salvation Army.  We also participate in Relay for Life- Moore every year to help raise money and awareness for the American Cancer Society.  Our customers are invited to both of these events!

That only leaves 2 items for you.  Quit Smoking and  Quit Drinking. These may not even be on your list so I think 8 out of 10 of the Top Resolutions being taken care of by purchasing a Landmark Home is pretty good!

Stop by one of our models, visit our website or contact our office to start marking those resolutions off as completed!
